Company Name: Neil King
Owner/Director: Neil King
Established: 2004
No. Branches: 1
No. Staff: 8
Having experienced 4 decades of estate agency Neil King is a living legend of the industry but he is far from set in his ways. As one of the country’s leading agents on YouTube he is head and shoulders above most when it comes to looking to innovate his business in order to stay at the top of his game.
There are many reasons that Neil and his company could win this award for innovation but for us it is specifically around his strategy to reshape the traditional workforce required to run an estate agency and not just dream it but actually make it happen. Building the road that many will no doubt end up walking down in the future.
For generations, Estate Agency has been made up of the same roles. The Branch Manager, The Valuer or Senior Neg, The Negs and the Admin, so Neil, with all of his experience, could be forgiven to continue down that route, but his unrelenting pride and passion shines through every single day to want to improve both his business and the journey that his clients are about to embark upon with his company.
Whilst still a small organisation Neil King not only consistently punches above his weight but actually knocks his opponents out cold, month after month, year after year through continual evolution.
Now employing such roles as Videographers, social media experts, content writers and breaking his customer journey down into smaller parts for dedicated members of his team to help both onboard and manage clients in more bite-sized and manageable roles, Neil is a shining example to everyone in this industry that whilst it might not always be comfortable to do so, you must go ahead and jump right in, or risk being left behind.
When asked what sort of difference, reshaping and reinventing the roles inside his organisation has made and what made him decide to do it Neil Said:
“I kept reading about how agents were going to change the way our industry worked, and i'm sure for some there was a measurable amount of success, but it got me thinking what did they actually mean by change our industry?…when I dug under the surface it seemed to me that many were simply moving away from a High Street to move into some really nice looking offices with trendy furniture and coffee shop style machines…which don’t get me wrong has a place, but the fundamentals of the job still remained the same, same roles maybe with a twist on the job title, but the basic remained the same.
I decided to look into not how I could change the way we looked, but to really look at what would add value to our offering, what would make us stand out, and what we would feel the benefit of within our organisation.
We, for the first time took, what was for me a huge step, to recruit somebody that not only had no agency experience (not a new thing) but somebody who would not answer the phone, make or carry out viewings and basically had no direct input into the property transaction as we knew it, that was the first piece in my new look company as designed in my mind. We employed a full time videographer.
We then added our own Social Media and content creator…and im just about to add the third addition, which is an interior designer, who with one of my property maintenance contractors will visit all clients and advise on how to add appeal and create the image required in order to attract the right profile fit buyer. I have an allowance for them to spend on each house, that is factored into my fee, so a win win for the client.
Now I just cant wait for Lifecycle 2 to rocket us all further out of reach!!!!“
For all of those reasons and more, the winner of this month’s Innovative Agent is Neil King. Congratulations Neil.