Not just a world class software – our support and on-boarding is world class too!

At Iceberg Digital we support our clients with their move to Lifesycle in so many different ways. We have literally thought of everything. Lets specifically look at our Lifesycle Academy in a bit more detail.

Not just a world class software – our support and on-boarding is world class too!
We know how scary it can be when you change softwares. As the business owner you are super excited and committed to the cause but the thought of having to re-train all your staff on how to work differently is making you loose sleep at night!. Don’t worry, at Iceberg Digital we have thought of everything in order to provide our clients with world class support when they come onboard with us. Follow our proven on-boarding process and before you know it you will be up and running and so engaged with Lifesycle that you’ll be wondering why you didn’t make the change sooner.
We have a dedicated customer service and support team here to help you with any concerns. We literally have 100’s of “How To?” guides and videos directly inside the software that can be accessed immediately. We have weekly training sessions which can be attended by new staff or existing staff if they want a refresher. Short sharp weekly lessons in the digitalisation are available if you want to focus on a specific feature inside the platform. Our fully trained Elite Performance Coaches provide a 1:1 3-6 month coaching programme. Our clients can join our Lifesycle WhatsApp group whereby they will become part of a community of other like minded agents providing support and sharing tips and advice. Finally, we have our Lifesycle Academy. Every single tool within our support box is free to our users so they will never feel alone when they come onboard with us. 
Our Academy was created by our CEO and best selling author, Mark Burgess. Mark understands what is needed to create high performing estate agents. Our Academy provides our clients and their full team with an education and current information that will help them all onboard and engage with Lifesycle from the very beginning. The Academy allows our clients to expand their knowledge and understanding as to WHY the business has decided to invest and make the switch to Lifesycle. Completing the Academy will increase staff productivity, allowing them to see the new opportunities Lifesycle will bring the company. If a business owner or leader doesn’t tell their team WHY they have made the switch to Lifesycle, the staff will struggle to really embrace the new software and on-boarding will prove difficult, with staff reluctant to work differently and change because they do not understand WHY!
Our Academy solves this problem and promotes team engagement and forms part of a smooth on-boarding process. The Academy is online and allows agents of any level to access it remotely, meaning you don’t even have to be in the office to start learning! Research shows us that continued learning and development increases staff retention, empowers staff which creates happier office environments with a more engaged team. An increase in staff engagement, which the Academy provides, will result in a more productive office with staff working efficiently and in a smart way.
Our Academy comprises of 2 levels which have various short modules focusing on the new way of working in this new digital age which is upon us. The various levels will show you the WHY, WHAT and HOW of Lifesycle and how this revolutionary platform is making agents more efficient. Once you have passed the Academy you will receive a formal certificate to add to your record of achievement. 
To date we have had OVER 1000 AGENTS go through and complete the Lifesycle Academy. We invite you to come and join the Lifesycle revolution, not only will you have a world class CRM software but you will also have world class support every step of the way.
Check out our Academy here:

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Unlock the transformative power of our estate agency solutions. Whether it's Lifesycle, Uzair, Neuron, or all three, our cutting-edge products redefine how you harness business potential. Lifesycle is the the world's-first estate agency software combining CRM and marketing in one platfrom. Neuron AI-based websites personalises customer experiences, and boosts conversion rates, while Uzair, the first Microsoft-approved AI assistant for the industry, empowers you to streamline your everyday tasks.

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