Watch AI create a detailed Vendor care report in less than 3 mins!

Watch in amazement as Uzair AI writes a detailed vendor care report with no user input in less than 3 minutes and then think about how much time this might save!

Watch AI create a detailed Vendor care report in less than 3 mins!
The public often cites poor communication as a major issue with estate agents. Agents understand the need for regular updates and client care, yet compiling this information can be time-consuming. Sometimes, there's simply nothing new to report. Uzair streamlines this by analysing a property's entire history, including market time, portal listings, reach, online engagement, viewings, feedback, and offers. It then generates a concise, well-crafted summary with suggested next steps for selling or letting the property, ensuring communication is thorough yet efficient.

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Unlock the transformative power of our estate agency solutions.

Whether it's Lifesycle, Uzair, Neuron, or all three, our cutting-edge products redefine how you harness business potential. Lifesycle is the the world's-first estate agency software combining CRM and marketing in one platfrom. Neuron AI-based websites personalises customer experiences, and boosts conversion rates, while Uzair, the first Microsoft-approved AI assistant for the industry, empowers you to streamline your everyday tasks.

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